I write books. Sometimes.

The Sink Monkey

by WillHB
Sun, Aug 09, 2009
Read time: 1 min.

So there I was this morning, minding my own business, getting ready to shower, when there I saw it: a monkey. As far as I can tell, there was no reason behind the monkey. It was just sitting there, under my sink, monkeying.

This was a stuffed monkey, of course. Now, I’m not in the habit of keeping monkeys under my sink, stuffed or otherwise, and stuffed monkeys are generally incapable of independent motion, so needless to say, the presence of this monkey was a bit perplexing.

Is there some sort of monkey-hiding conspiracy going on here? Has the monkey been placed under my sink as a warning against future sink usage? Is it some sort of symbolic protest against animal cruelty, perpetrated by a cat-burglar / animal rights activist? Has my home been infiltrated by dozens of hitherto undiscovered monkey squatters, one of which hid beneath my sink when it heard me approaching the restroom?

I think we can all agree that the only logical answer to these questions is a resounding “yes.”

A stuffed monkey beneath a sink.

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